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Fasted Procedure Check In Form

  • Consent for CPR or DNR

    You are being presented with this form because your pet is being hospitalized. In the unlikely event that an emergency happens, such as if your pet suffers respiratory arrest (stops breathing) or cardiac arrest (the heart stops), we have an advanced directive in place to ensure your wishes are followed. Our staff is trained to immediately begin CPR and life-sustaining measures unless otherwise directed. This does incur an additional cost not quoted on the estimate or treatment plan. If you elect to decline this protocol, you understand that you are giving the doctors and staff at McMonigle Veterinary Hospital a “Do Not Resuscitate” directive. CPR means “Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation” and is the treatment (resuscitation) of a pet who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped beating. DNR means “Do Not Resuscitate.” This means that if a pet stops breathing, or his/her heart stops, no effort will be made to attempt to revive the pet, and we may discuss administering medications to facilitate a calm and complete passing. Animals that have been successfully resuscitated are extremely critical and unstable. The likelihood of re-arrest is high and usually occurs within 4 hours of the initial arrest. Management of a pet after successful initial resuscitation requires vigilant monitoring for at least 24 to 48 hours. You will be required to transfer your pet to an emergency facility such as Blue Pearl Emergency Hospital or Summit Veterinary Referral Center for post resuscitation continued monitoring. This will incur additional expenses through the emergency facility.